MEMBERS ONLY CLUB: Open to the Public for Training & Matches
This is a Big-Bore Pistol - Falling Plate Match. The match is held from 8:00am to 12:00pm on the fourth Saturday of every month except January and December.
8AM Practice
9AM Match Opens
Match Directors
John "Al" Johnson -, (409) 540-9714
Lew Sheffield (409) 540-4413
CAT 5 Multigun "Fifth Saturday" Team Challenge
This Team Challenge is hosted by the Category 5 Multigun Group. Team Challenges are composed of randomly selected four-man teams. Each team is required to shoot four firearms per stage; generally, a pistol, a rifle, a PCC, and a shotgun.
The match is held from 8:30am to 2:00pm on the third Saturday of every month. Range set up begins at 7:30AM and volunteers are always needed.
Match Director: Andre Rosales - (409)658-6114
Assistant Match Director: Cary Walker - (409)273-6194
This is a Tier 1 International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA) match. The match is held from 9:00am to 2:00pm on the FIRST Saturday of every month. Range set up begins at 7:30AM and volunteers are always needed. To learn more about the Club IDPA Chapter: GTGC IDPA
To learn more about IDPA, visit their website.
This is a Small-Bore Pistol - Silhouette Match. The match is held from 8:00am to 12:00pm on the second Saturday of every month except January and December.
9AM- Match Opens
John "Al" Johnson - (409) 540-9714
CAT 5 Multigun "Third Saturday" Multigun Match
This match is hosted by the Category 5 Multigun Group. The match is for centerfire pistols, rifles, and shotguns. No rimfire firearms are allowed.
Golden Triangle Gun Club is proud to sponsor Youth Safety Education and Shooting. In cooperation with organizations such as 4-H, the GTGC provides range facilities and equipment to promote safe gun handling skills, safe target shooting opportunities and competitive shooting for a life long enjoyment of the shooting sports.
You can look for the youth shooters at the Golden Triangle Gun Club almost every Saturday in the spring on the Rifle Range where, in cooperation with other youth development programs, we have a great time sharing our love of shooting sports. Please check for scheduled activities.
4-H Shooting Sports
Small Bore (.22 Rifle): The Jefferson County 4-H shoots small bore rifles at the Rifle Range Saturday Mornings in the spring starting in January and continuing through April. The project ends with competitive events at the County Level and at the District Level where local teams compete against other County teams from across Southeast Texas. In addition, numerous events are available on the State Level for Youth Shooters.
BB Guns and Sporter Air Rifle: The precision BB Guns and Sporter Air Rifle are offered at various times through out the year depending on the availability of indoor facilities and coaching staff. This is a great way to involve young shooters in shooting sports while teaching the basics of safety and target competitions.
4-H Youth Contacts:
Howard Maxwell (409) 892-9110
Debbie Maxwell at (409) 658-6468
Ken Bean (409) 673-5754
NRA High Power 600yd. Mid-Range Prone
F Class. Open to all rifles less than .338 caliber
Open to the public
Sign ups close at 7:30 shooting at 8:00
Cost $20 for adults $10 for Juniors
Match Director; Wil Cole 409-988-1727
Assistant March Director; Andy Legg 409-267-1280
For more information, contact Kristen Morton (409) 781-0891
Our Mission: To inspire and educate young Texans, ages 12-20, in the shooting sports.
We are committed to helping young people develop their marksmanship skills with the Service Rifle, guided by experienced adult instructors who prioritize firearms safety and range procedures.
Our program fosters competitive sportsmanship in a team setting, while also educating members on the importance and benefits of Second Amendment rights.
Through dedicated practice, members sharpen their competitive marksmanship abilities, while mental discipline and personal responsibility are instilled as keys to success.
Teamwork and resource-sharing are emphasized throughout, and members gain unforgettable experiences through competition at local, state, and national events.
Golden Triangle Gun Club - Silhouette Range
Rules: Current NRA silhouette rules will apply.
Entries: Entry fee is $5.00 per match. The hunter pistol and rifle match will be shot in conjunction with each other. First time entry shoots free. Entries will be accepted at the time of the match.
Classification book or card will be required to prove classification.
Time of match: Practice begins at 8:00 AM. The match begins at 9:00AM.
Match Conditions: 10 rounds each at Chickens (40 yards), Pigs (50 yards), Turkeys (75 yards), and Rams (100 yards). Competitors will score and set targets.
Classification: NRA silhouette classification will be used. Unclassified shooters will compete in the highest class fired in the match.
Awards: Cash awards are given to the first and second place in each class, depending on the number of entries.
For Information Contact:
Match Director: Ronald Page (409) 791-5855.
Assistant Match Director: Jessie Marua (409) 350-0735
2025 Spindletop Silhouette SB Rifle Regional Match
Regional Silhouette Air Rifle Match
Hosted by the Golden Triangle Gun Club
April 44h, 5th, and 6th, 2025
Type of Tournament: Two-day NRA Silhouette SB Rifle Regional Match & One-day NRA Silhouette Air Rifle Regional Match (Air Rifle on Friday, Standard SB Rifle on Saturday, Hunting SB Rifle on Sunday).
Host Sponsor and Location:Golden Triangle Gun Club – 7546 Erie Street, Beaumont, TX 77705. [Use the Florida Ave. exit off of Hwy 69 to get on Erie Street, travel south on Erie Street for 2 miles and the entrance to the Club range is marked on the right.]
Rules: Current NRA Air Rifle & Smallbore Rifle Silhouette Rules will apply. The use of open bolt indicators will be enforced.
Eligibility: NRA membership is required of all competitors, except for juniors, who may be members of an NRA Junior Affiliated Club.
Classification: Any competitor who does not have an up-to-date classification will be required to compete in the highest classification for the entire match. (Any classification disputes will be resolved by NRA classification card or old scorebooks for the competitor in question or be prepared to shoot in the highest classification.) Entry fees will be accepted at the Range until the first relay is called to the line Saturday morning or until 50 entries are received.
Match Schedule:
April 4th, 2025 - Range will be open for Air Rifle & SB practice 10:00 A.M. – dark.
April 4th, 2025 - Match 1 & 2 (Air Rifle) will begin at 2:00 PM
April 5th, 2025 - Match 3 & 4 (Standard SB Rifle) will begin at 9:00 A.M.
April 6th, 2025 - Match 5 & 6 (Hunter SB Rifle) will begin at 9:00 A.M.
Aggregate Match 7 - Smallbore Rifle using combined scores of Matches 3, 4, 5 & 6.
Course of Fire:
Air Rifle – Match 1 consists of 10 shots at 20 yards (Chicken), 30 yards (Pig), 36 yards (Turkey) and 45 yards (Ram) for a total of 40 shots. A second 40 round air rifle match will be fired after the completion of the first.
Shooters have a choice of shooting a Target Rifle, Sporter Rifle or an Open Rifle. Whatever rifle the shooter chooses will be the rifle classification that they are competing in.
Smallbore – Matches 3, 4, 5 and 6 are each 40 shot matches consisting of 10 shots at 40 meters (Chicken), 60 meters (Pig), 77 meters (Turkey), and 100 meters (Ram) for a total of 160 shots.
Air Rifle – NRA Regional awards for the top (3) shooters in each of the Target, Sporter and Open, Air Rifle Categories.
Smallbore - At the completion of the match and all shoot offs, awards will be given for the following:
Squadding Requests: Will be accommodated as far as possible on a first come first served basis.
Entry Fees: The air rifle match fee is $20. The smallbore rifle match fees are 1st gun $70, 2nd gun $30. Junior fees are $25 for 1st gun and $10 for 2nd gun.
Please direct questions to Ronald Page at 409-659-6821, or
Please send in your Registration Form as soon as possible (by email or mailing). You can pay at the match, but we would like to have your registration as early as possible to procure awards and arrange squadding.
Click Here for Registration Form
Food and Hotel Arrangements
Lunch will be provided on Saturday and Sunday and is included in the SB registration fee.
The MCM Eleganté Hotel will be the host hotel for the match. The MCM Eleganté is offering shooters an exclusive room rate of $95.00 per night for a Deluxe King or Double or an exclusive room rate of $119.00 per night for a King Suite. When you make a reservation, ask for the Golden Triangle Gun Club Group Rate to receive your discount!
The MCM Eleganté is at 23551 I-10 South, Beaumont, TX 77705. The reservation number is 877-842-3606, and the local hotel number is 409-842-3600. It is a nice hotel, close to the range, and they have Hemingway’s Café, a good restaurant.
This class is for Golden Triangle Gun Club new members and their immediate family guests. New members must attend this class and sign a waiver before their Membership is activated, receive the gate code, and start using the range.
Class Objectives:
Golden Triangle Gun Club - Rimfire Silhouette Range
Entries: Entry fee is $5.00 per match. The standard rifle match will be shot first with the hunter rifle match to follow. First time entry shoots free. Entries will be accepted at the time of the match. Entrants with current NRA Silhouette classification will be required to provide a classification card or classification book.
Time of Matches: Practice begins at 8:00 AM. The match begins at 9:00 AM.
Match Conditions: 10 rounds each at chickens (40 meters), pigs (60 meters),
Turkeys (77 meters), and rams (100 meters). Competitors will score and set targets.
Classification: NRA silhouette classification will be used. Unclassified
shooters will compete in the highest class fired in the match.
Awards: Cash awards are given to first and second place in each
class, depending on the number of entries.
Match Director Ronald Page (409) 791-5855
Asst. Match Director George Meadows (409) 658-7692
The shotgun is one of the most effective and versatile weapons available to the average private citizen or police officer. It is also the least understood and most under-utilized weapon system. Learn how to properly select, modify, feed and operate the defensive shotgun for optimum effectiveness. This intensive one day course will teach you efficient techniques for handling and shooting the shotgun under stressful conditions. Topics covered include:
Students will need 150 rounds of birdshot, 50 rounds of buckshot, and 10 rounds of slug. We will have some properly set up loaner shotguns available. For questions, contact Richard Worthey,
Course Length: Approximately 8 Hours
Registration link will be available very soon!
2025 Golden Triangle Across the Coarse Matches
May 16, 17 & 18
Hosted by the Golden Triangle Gun Club HP Juniors
Match Director: Kristen Morton
E-mail to:
Phone: 409-781-0891
Match Program:
Online Entry Form:
Mail in Entry Form:
All ranges will be closed all day to the membership on Saturday, May 17, 2025 due to the Shoot Sig Event and the Texas Junior Rifle Across the Course Match.
The Shoot Sig Event will require the closure of all pistol ranges on Friday afternoon, and all day Saturday and Sunday to support this event. Members are encourage to participate in this event. For more information and to register, see
The Texas Junior Rifle Acroos the Course Regional Match will require the use of all rifle ranges on Saturday ONLY.
The Golden Triangle Gun Club is hosting a SIG Sauer SHOOT SIG event on May 18-19. All handgun & rimfire ranges will be closed on Friday, May 17th to allow setup and safety officer training for the event that will be held on Saturday the 18th and Sunday the 19th.
The Golden Triangle Gun Club is hosting a SIG Sauer SHOOT SIG event on May 16-18. All handgun and rimfire ranges will be closed starting Friday, May 16th and continuing on Saturday, May 17th, and Sunday, May 18th.
For more information:
7546 ERIE STREET - BEAUMONT, TX 77707 | (409) 729-GTGC | email: Mailing Address: P.O. BOX 5305, Beaumont, TX 77726- 5305 Privacy Policy © 2024 Golden Triangle Gun Club. All Rights Reserved.