This course teaches the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude for owning and operating a pistol safely. This course is at least 8-hours long and includes classroom and range time learning to shoot revolvers and semi-automatic pistols. Students learn NRA’s rules for safe gun handling; pistol parts and operation; ammunition; shooting fundamentals; range rules; shooting from the bench rest position, and two handed standing positions; cleaning the pistol; and continued opportunities for skill development.
We start in the classroom with SIRT laser trainer non-firing pistols to get the student comfortable with handling pistols and learning the essential skills before going to the range to fire their first live shots.
We furnish the student with loaner SIRT laser training pistols for use in the classroom, as well as loaner .22 caliber semi-auto pistols with ammo for the live fire portion on the range. We also furnish electronic hearing protection for use on the range.
We highly recommend that everyone take this course before attending any other pistol course, including the Texas LTC course. It is suitable for first time novices, as well as intermediate pistol shooters.
Students will receive:
- NRA Guide to the Basics of Pistol Shooting handbook
- NRA Gun Safety Rules brochure
- Winchester/NRA Marksmanship Qualification booklet
- Take a Basics of Pistol Shooting Student Examination
- Course completion certificate upon successful completion of the lessons and demonstration of firing a qualifying shot group.
Course Length: Approximately 8 Hours