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Gun Law Seminar - Lessons Learned From High Profile Cases

  • Tuesday, June 21, 2022
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • GTGC Activity Center

RW Defense is hosting this FREE seminar at GTGC. 

High-Profile Cases: Lessons from Stand Your Ground, Brandishing, and More

This High-Profile Cases seminar features analysis by a U.S. LawShield® Independent Program Attorney of several high-profile self-defense cases from a legal perspective, including a shooting involving a dispute over snow shoveling; the Rittenhouse case verdict; the Clearwater, Florida, parking lot shooting; and protestors near Mark and Patricia McCloskey’s home.

This is a unique opportunity to see legal concepts applied to real-world scenarios. Our discussion will include recent cases consisting of various scenarios, such as justified use of deadly force (Second Amendment rights) and cases where the shooter was convicted. New cases will be added as they occur.

This event doesn’t focus on state law but on understanding each self-defense incident and lessons that should be learned (stand your ground laws, brandishing, etc.).

Cases currently included:

  • PA Snow Shovel Shooting
  • Rittenhouse Case
  • McCloskey Case
  • Florida Parking Lot Shooting

The information provided is solely an overview intended to provide general information and should not be considered legal advice. U.S. LawShield® is a Legal Defense for Self Defense® Program, not a law firm. Membership in the U.S. LawShield Legal Defense for Self Defense Program is not a guarantee of any particular outcome. All legal services are provided by independent third-party program attorneys who are part of the Program. Visit for terms, conditions, restrictions, and insurance licensing information.

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