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MEMBERS ONLY CLUB: Open to the Public for Training & Matches

Member benefits

The object of the Golden Triangle Gun Club, Inc., is to promote the art of shooting, and to give instructions in the use of firearms among citizens of the United States and residents of our community, with a view toward a better knowledge on the part of such citizens of the safe handling and proper care of firearms, as well as improved marksmanship. To find a class be sure to check our Events page. It shall be our further object and purpose to cultivate the development of those characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, self-discipline, team play, and self-reliance, which are essentials of good sportsmanship and the foundation of true patriotism.

Membership in the Golden Triangle Gun Club, Inc., is open to citizens of the United States over 18 years of age. All applicants must completed application online. The applicant cannot have been convicted of a crime of violence, nor be a member nor take part in any organization or group that has as part of its program the attempt to overthrow the Government of the United States or any of its political subdivisions by force or violence. After a thorough investigation of the applicant by the Membership Committee, the applicant may be approved for membership in the Club.

As a condition of membership, all members must be a member in good standing of the National Rifle Association. By clicking on the “JOIN NRA HERE” logo on any page of this website and joining or renewing your membership in the NRA, you will be helping the club through its affiliate program, earning the club a commission. Although not required, it is recommended that all members also be a member of the Texas State Rifle Association.

Step One:  JOIN THE NRA.  After receiving your NRA number, go to step two. 

Step Two:  Now you can Join the Gun Club

7546 ERIE STREET  - BEAUMONT, TX 77707  | (409) 729-GTGC  | email:
Mailing Address:  P.O. BOX 5305, Beaumont, TX 77726- 5305 Privacy Policy
© 2024 Golden Triangle Gun Club. All Rights Reserved.

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