This 2-day class focuses on the practical shooting skills of USPSA and IDPA competitors that will help you more confidently plan, tackle, and shave time from your stages. While this class does contain some advanced fundamentals, the class is mostly dynamic and stage oriented. Because this class doesn’t include a great deal of “firing line” type fundamentals training, we wont burn through ammo like a regular class. Therefore, the round counts are bit lower than what you might have seen at traditional 2-day classes in the past – we will make them count. I am a firm believer that when it comes to proper practice, quality is much more important than quantity, so this class will also cover principles of efficient practice, and how to structure your practices to identify and address your weaknesses.
Class Fees:
2-Day Practical Performance Class (600 rounds) - $525 *
* A range fee of $20 will be collected at the beginning of the first day class from all non-members of the Club.
Space allowing, we will set up a full stage, for students to run through at the beginning of class. The stage will include a number of elements such as entries and exits, opportunities to shoot on the move, awkward positions, close and far targets, and high risk arrays. This first run through will be an assessment tool, helping the instructor to figure out your shooting style and where improvements can be made. Throughout the class we will occasionally revisit this stage, and use parts of it to isolate and develop skills, and set up drills.
In addition, we'll be covering the following topics:
Day 1
1. Overview of gear setup/optimization
2. Small discussion on grip/stance/draws
3. Group shooting
4. Dot drills w/o timer and w/ timer
5. Discussion/demo on importance of trigger control and sight management
6. Transitions
7. Sight deviation and acceptable risk
8. Reloads/Unloaded starts/Table starts
9. Putting it all together (4 aces, El Prez, Accelerator)
Day 2
1. Movement (side to side, downrange/uprange)
2. Positioning and how to set up properly (barricades, ports, leans)
3. Entries/Exits
4. Importance of having gun up ready to shoot ALWAYS
5. Stage planning (visualization, self talk)
6. Stage shooting and performance improvement and evaluation
Check Tim Herron out on his social media:

Space is limited to12 students, so don't wait!